We're all affected by high fuel prices. Every time a car rolls up to the pump, the new economic reality takes an even bigger bite out of our collective wallets. The ripple effect has some buyers thinking long and hard before making buying decisions.
In turn, many companies and independent sellers are ringing alarm bells instead of ringing up sales. Fear-based thoughts – such as declining profits and potential downsizing – dominate these sellers' every move. Regrettably, many professionals don't recognize that they're in the driver's seat. The ability to be successful is within their control.
Don't Give Up
Even in times of economic uncertainty, there are those who actually increase their sales.
Right now, many sellers are reporting record sales. So what's up? Don't they realize that doom-and-gloom forecasts are the headlines of the hour? Shouldn't they be preparing for the worst?
The answers are YES and YES. Enlightened sellers know what's going on. And they should prepare for the worst, but not for the reasons you might think.
What I Know for Sure
In unstable economies, some sellers thrive while others barely survive. I've witnessed it over and over again. I've taught thousands of professionals how to excel in sales and business throughout my career. However, at the end of the day, regardless of how much experience sellers have, it's their thoughts about success that can fuel or drain their bank accounts.
Thoughts Drive the Outcome
Not to oversimplify, but people's ability to do well comes down to the stories they tell themselves about how easy, or hard, it is to make money. Whether sellers think the cash register is half full or half empty, they're right. This is especially true when markets are tentative. Here's why: Depending on your point of view, your thoughts can work for you or against you. Thoughts about scarcity or success both turn into belief systems – beliefs that run so deep, they will seep into every sales conversation you have and every action you take.
Don't Run Out of Gas
Three key self-sabotaging beliefs that professionals utter are, ‘Times are tough,' ‘It's really competitive today,' and ‘People aren't buying like they used to.' My response has remained the same since I opened my first business during the recession of the 1980s – ‘Life is hard if you say it is.'
As humans, we really aren't that complex. What we think is what we get. If we believe that times are tough, then tough times are what we get. The filter that we choose to view the world through becomes our reality.
Here's how your thoughts shape that reality: Before meeting with a client, if you silently mutter, ‘I don't think they'll buy,' then you unconsciously set out to prove yourself right, which is easy to do. Think about it. How can you sell anyone on the value of your products and services, or even the upside of this economy, if you haven't sold yourself?
Then, after a disappointing sales call, the debriefing sounds like this: ‘See? I was right. I knew they wouldn't buy.' The amount of evidence one can collect to prove how bad times are is endless. It can also set in motion a years-long cycle of disappointment.
Travel a New Route
The seller who thinks of hard times as an opportunity to stand out becomes the seller on the road less traveled. Thoughts such as, ‘Someone will be writing up sales, it might as well be me' translate into more sales, more often. Essentially, you are creating a potent belief system for yourself. Your inner dialogue becomes, ‘Regardless of what's going on around me, I will thrive.'
Fill Up with High-Octane Fuel
A success-fueled mindset enables you to see new selling opportunities, one of which could already be staring you in the face. It's the women's market. While other sellers are busy moaning about tough times, your positive attitude could be opening the door to selling to the largest global market.
Even in shaky economies, there are women buying high-ticket items. But don't just assume you've got the sale. First believe in yourself and the worth of your products and services. Women are experts at reading body language. Your rounded shoulders, low energy, and/or lack of direct eye contact send out red-flag warnings. Any fears of where the dollar is headed can open the door to deal-making that would make a 99-cent store seem expensive. Instead, take the high road. Think positive, success-fueled thoughts.
Final Thoughts
The quality of your thoughts has a huge influence on how your sales story turns out. Don't be pulled under by doom-and-gloom forecasts. Be the positive thinker who writes up contracts even in uncertain economies. Recognize that you drive your ability to be successful, no matter what's going around you, including rising fuel prices.
About Kelly McCormick
Business expert Kelly McCormick is a speaker, coach and writer. She is the author of 'OutSell Yourself: Go from HELLO to SOLD with Ethical Business and Sales Techniques'. Check out Kelly's E-tips, blog posting and more at www.OutSellYourself.com.
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