Kelly McCormick's Business Tips

Archive / How to Improve Sales

Kelly's Success Tips!posted 09:50am January 9, 2013

Kelly McCormick’s Tips to Succeed –No Matter What!

Enlightened entrepreneurs, and successful companies, know that a secret to success is to have a ‘no matter what’ attitude.

We look for opportunities to move forward, in spite of what others may think. Then we go for it.

Here are some of my ‘glass half full’ tips on how to succeed –no matter what!

Raise Your Income!posted 05:10am October 6, 2011

4 Tips to ‘Raise Your Thoughts’ & Your Business Income!

What you ‘think’ is what you get. We’ve all heard it. Yet few people know how to ‘profit’ from this principle.

Well except for approx. 10 million millionaires in the USA, and some powerful forward thinkers.

Here are some of my tips and techniques to raise your thoughts and income.

Sales Quick Tip #1posted 08:16am September 30, 2011

Quick Tip #1: How to ‘Sell Without Selling’

This is the first of three quick tips on how to ‘sell without selling’.

Unless you’re a slimy used car seller, you’ll probably like this approach. It doesn’t turn people off.

Let’s get started…

Make Moneyposted 08:56am September 28, 2011

Why People Make Money – In Any Economy!

Yes, there are people and companies making money right now. A lot of it!

Here are some facts, thoughts and tips to catapult you into the big leagues.

The Facts!

According to CNBC, “The number of millionaires in the [United States] is growing. The U.S. has more than 10 million.

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