Kelly McCormick's Business Tips

Client Relationships

Kelly's E-Tipsposted 07:26pm May 25, 2010
Technobable and Women

Technobabble and Women

The Situation

Just when life couldn’t get any busier, Kelly’s laptop quit working. So she was off to the computer store to buy a new machine.

She barely got out the words, ‘I’m looking for a laptop’ when the eager sales associate began spewing out THOUSANDS of technical specifications for every laptop in the store!

Kelly’s head hurt. She staggered to her car, mumbling, ‘Thanks for ALL the information – ‘

Recession Sellingposted 02:00am May 20, 2010

Recession Selling: Four Things to Know About Selling to Men

Several men have surprised me in the past few weeks, and it wasn’t with flowers and chocolates.

Actually, it was what they said that made me gasp for air. They were discussing their new ‘cautious’ approach to buying goods and services.

These encounters led me to recognize a few key things about the buying behavior of men in our current economy:

Selling To Womenposted 02:18pm May 4, 2010
Selling to Women

Why Selling to Women is Like Dating

Men you need to know that selling to a woman is a lot like dating. You’ll either make a great first impression or you’ll strike out. The ball is in your court.

So what’s a guy to do? I recommend you familiarize yourself with some of the fatal mistakes men make on a date, as well as when selling. Then apply some new approaches and fast.

To help you, here is some really good-to-know information.

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